Sunday, April 14, 2013

Opposing Side: Cyber Bullying

     Bullying is a very big problem for school age children of all ages.  Bullying comes in many forms, and in each form, it is always a traumatic problem. Many people believe that cyber bullying is not a big deal. They feel that offline bullying is a much bigger problem and cyber bullying is a problem that the victim brings upon themselves. They also believe that cyber bullying is easily solved. Having stricter laws about cyber bullying can help this distressing problem, those who are opposing this problem believe that this problem is easily stopped, and does not need stricter punishments.

    The opposing side thinks the best way to stop this problem is for the victims to stop placing themselves up for bait. Amanda Lenhart, senior research specialist at the Pew Internet & American Life Project, explained that “Teens who share their identities and thoughts online are more likely to be targets than are those who lead less active online lives.” A lot of times bullying starts off from the victims sharing something private and the bully then shares the information in a mean way electrically. Teenagers can share a secret about themselves or send sexual photos. Also people use social networks to share personal information. For example people update their profile with information about their day or about how they are feeling. The opposing side feels when teenagers do this they are giving bait to the bullies and basically giving them their ammunition to begin the horrible harassment and that being more private and not sharing information will help the cyber bullying problem. Cyber bullying is not putting the blame on the victims. The victims are not asking to be harassed. The victims of cyber bullying have the right to say whatever they want on social networks. The bullies should have enough morals to know bullying is not okay. Humiliating someone and getting joy out of their pain is mental.  The other opposing side also argues that the victims should just eliminate the “cyber” part of the bullying. These social networks are something you do not have to engage in. When victims are being cyber bullied, their suggestions are just to delete the network, no network, no cyber bullying. What they do not realize is that cyber bullying also occurs on cell phones and emails. Cell phones are a big part of everybody’s life. Why should a victim give up their electrics because a bully does not know how to control themselves?

     The victims of cyber bullying should not have to change their life styles. The bullies should have harsher punishments and the bullies should be the ones changing their life styles. The bully should be banned from social networks and monitored on cell phones. It is not the victim’s fault they are getting harassed and they should not have to pay for the bully’s wrong doings. 

Lenhart, Amanda. "Cyberbullying Is Not Worse than Physical Bullying." Media Violence. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Cyberbullying and Online Teens." Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2007. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prevention of Cyber Bullying

     Bullying has been a problem for anybody who has attended school. Bullying is a way for people all over the world with low self esteems to express themselves. The bullies get joy from other people’s pain. With this new technology bullies have so many ways to continue their bullying outside of school through cyber bullying.   With cyber bullying the bullies could be a 1,000 miles away from their victims, and the bullies would still be able to harass and humiliate their victims. Bullying will always be problem with children and teenagers, but there are ways to prevent the majority of the bullying from happening.
     “To thwart this growing epidemic, it is paramount the adult community becomes educated on the tactics cyber bullies use to taunt and victimize vulnerable children.” (Nuccitelli, 1) Parents having more control over their children’s electric devices would be a great way to prevent most forms of bullying. Most teenagers have access to the internet and their cell phone 24/7. If the parents give their kids a break from the electric devices, by taking them away every night, that would give the kids less time to bully and or be the victim of bullying. Not being aware of what is happening in the social web world can help prevent victims from being torture. The victims wouldn't be able to see the nasty comments or pictures posted about them or the nasty text messages from their bully. This would provide the victims with least stress and give time for them to relax. This break would also give the bullies least time for bullying. They would not be able to bully their victims. When children are not concentrated on their electric devices is gives them time for other things. The children would have time for family time and for homework. There would be no distraction from school work.  The parents awareness of what is being said and done on their teenagers electric devices would also help prevent cyber bullying. Knowing what is being said can stop a child from bullying and help a victim. Being aware of what is being posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace is a great way to keep track of their children’s ware bouts. If a child is being harassed, the parents would be able to help the child cope. The parents can help them seek help and help the victims understand what is going.  If a parent knows about their child harassing another child this could also help prevent bullying. Parents seeing their child being cruel to other can hopefully stop them from hurting others and get them help.
    Social networks could be a great help in preventing cyber bullying. The majority of cyber bullying is done on social networks likes Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. These social networks are very popular and well used. One way bullies use social networks is to create groups or fake accounts dedicated to humiliating and or embarrassing their victims. People like or follow to show they agree and together they harass and make fun of the victim. This is extremely cruel and it goes on all the time. Social networks should have a way to prevent these hate group and accounts from being made. This would stop some forms of cyber bullying. Another thing that would help prevent cyber bullying would be prevention of anonymous website and program. On a few social networks they have programs that allow people to make comments and ask question anonymously. Being anonymous gives people courage and allows them to think they can do and say anything they want, no matter how cruel. Social networks should not allow these programs on their networks. These programs are just promoting bullying. Social networks should have more control over their networks to help prevent bullying and help save lives
    Bullying is something that will always be around. People will always find ways to be cruel to each other no matter what. Taking away objects that promote cyber bullying can jump start prevention. Having control and being aware what is happening on social networks and electric devices can help stop cyber bullying.

Nuccitelli, Michael. "2012 cyber bullying tactics." The Forensic Examiner Fall 2012: 24+. Academic OneFile. Web. 9 Apr. 2013.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ethical Perspective of Cyber Bullying

     Technology has allowed teenagers to stay in constant connection with the outside world. We can text, email, tweet, post on someone’s Facebook wall from almost everywhere. This is great for wanting to keep in touch with friends and family. This is not so great for when someone is using this constant connection to spread hate and bully people. Bullying is not ethical at all. Ethics is the basic principles and fundamental concepts of civilized human conduct. Everybody has different ethics but most everybody has the same few. For example being polite and acting civilized in public, and knowing the different between right and wrong, are a few common ethics. Cyber bullying and ethics have a lot to do with each other. Cyber bullying is a bully harassing their victim through the use of electric devices. This is not ethical at all.  The ethical issue with cyber bullying is that the victims of cyber bullying are being humiliated, harassed, and threatened. Cyber bullying often times leads to suicide.
     In 2013 Ryan Halligan, a 13 year old boy from Vermont, killed himself after being cyber bullied. His peers harassed and teased him online and he also received several message questioning his sexual orientation. Ryan is not the only victim.  Eight percent of teenagers kill themselves because of cyber bullying. Bullying is a common thing that occurs in all school. Now that cyber bullying has become popular people do not know when to stop, the take the hate crimes to the extreme. The victims feel like there is no escape and feel helpless against these vicious bullies who have lost touch with reality.
     It seems like when people get behind their electric devices they lose all morals. When behind an electric screen people gain courage. They write things they wouldn't say in person. Other people feed off of the bully and join in. Cyber bullying can continue for years. Cyber bullying is a nonstop harassment, that the victims have to deal with 24/7. Teenagers these days cannot live without their cell phones and or laptop.  “According to some experts, bullying has moved online and through cell phones simply because the social lives of young people have in large part moved into electronic media. While teenagers in previous decades primarily socialized at school or in other public spaces such as parks and malls, now much of the social lives of adolescents occurs online, on social networking sites such as Facebook, and through text messages.” (17)  This is something that no young teenager should deal with. Cyber bullying takes an emotional toll on their victims because the bully has a few rude rumors to spread. Humiliating, harassing and threatening someone is not ethical at all. This kind of behavior goes on all time in this world we live in.

"Prosecuting Cyberbullies." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 6 Dec. 2010. Web. 27 Mar. 2013. <>.